Surgeon General Warning for Socials

The US Surgeon General advocates for warning labels to be placed on social media.

Happy Wednesday folks!

It’s Vidcon szn, and if it’s your first time around, just know that this week has the same energy as the last week of school during your senior year. Creators are cutting loose after a long year of creation and algorithm navigation. They’re out and about getting those irl meetups in, and they’re definitely not looking at their emails or messages (unless it’s about where to meet and get the next drink).

Unfortunately, I won’t be able to attend this year with my upcoming travels to NY for the summer along with the new puppy responsibilities, but I hope all of my creator friends and fam have a blast and use this week as it should be used; To F off, cut loose, and have some fun with your creator friends in person.

And to my creator peeps who can’t make it this year, don’t kill yourself over the next few days. If your inbox is empty and you have nothing to jam on, take some time for yourself. While you may not be able to make it in person, you can still make a point to meet up with creator friends in your area and take a breather from the daily hustle. It will help you reset and feel reinvigorated to keep that content coming.

And if you don’t have any creator friends in your area to meet up with, CreatorPad has you covered in the very near future. Can’t wait to update you readers on that front. 😉 

To my Vidcon-ers, go cut loose and enjoy the fun in the sun, and to my non-con-ers, get outside and try to unplug a bit, ‘tis the season!

-Luke ❤️ 

Creator Marketing for Celebs?

Source: Zach Woods (Instagram)

What happens when an insanely well-known actor partners with a cult favorite creator? In today’s case… madness happens.

  • Zach Woods (better known as Gabe from The Office), recently started collabing with a creator named Clare Ruddy, who makes ridiculously hilarious skits like booking herself a 360 photo booth or uncovering what Gamestop is “hiding.”

  • While I’ve been a fan of Clare since her first Brain Job video, I never expected to see her collaborating with and creating content for some of the biggest names in Hollywood.

  • Clare’s most recent series was all about Zach Woods assaulting a high schooler. As I said, this series is madness, but in the best way.

  • I’m not going to spoil any of the series, but I will say that it is one of the most entertaining pieces of content that I’ve seen an actor put out, outside of tv/movies. It’s incredibly tongue-in-cheek, it pulls you through classic tropes in an obviously comical way, and we get the added bonus of seeing an actor like Zach play a character like this is insanely different from who the general public knows him as in his character, Gabe.

  • I believe that this series is one of the first outward cases of a creator collaborating with an actor, and I also believe it’s only the start of a wider trend.

    • Yes, we’ve seen collabs with celebs and creators for publicity purposes (promoting a new movie on Hot Ones, a new show/album on Recess Therapy, and beyond), but I have yet to see a collab that places the creator and actor in a collaborative role such as this.

  • Clare and Zach clearly worked together in the scripting and other ideation when it came to this concept, and the finished product was emblematic of a fun & creative collaboration.

  • With Clare having collabed with names like Nick Kroll and Zach Woods, I have a feeling that this isn’t the last we’ve seen of her working with actors, comedians, and more.

  • While Clare is absolutely commanding the space with this collab, I believe this may be a peek into what celeb socials may look like in the future, and how creators are getting even more opportunities outside of pressing publish.

I’d love for you readers to check out that series and share your thoughts on this collab. Personally, I think this makes me far more attracted to following Zach and checking out his new and old work outside of The Office. And that would have never happened if it wasn’t for him creating content with an awesome creator.

Surgeon General Warning for Socials

Source: The 74

What do cigarettes and social media have in common? According to the U.S. Surgeon General, Dr. Vivek Murthy, more than you might think as Dr. Murthy advocates for warning labels to be placed on social media.

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