📵 Is an EU TikTok Ban Next?

The EU launches an investigation into TikTok Lite, TikTok's newest app to hit European app stores.

Heyooooooo! What’s going on my fellow creator nerds, I hope everyone is having a killer week and feeling those good spring vibes!

I want to do a little test today and keep this section short and sweet, so let’s just get right into it. 😎 

HBO Knows the Value of YouTube 🎥 

Source: LastWeekTonight (YouTube)

God, I cannot think of a more 2000s line than that, that’s peak Y2K right there, baby. But the line becomes even funnier when looking at HBO’s recent move as they jump to YouTube with one of their most popular series and hosts. And I swear, if YouTube doesn’t capitalize by posting: “It’s not HBO. It’s YouTube,” somewhere, I’ll never forgive them. You have 24 hours, Mohan.

With this leap into the YouTube-verse, HBO is now posting full episodes and seasons of Last Week Tonight with John Oliver. So why is this a sign good for creators, and how might this be a nod to a shift in the traditional media landscape?

  • For Creators: With the shift in a giant like HBO now placing full episodes of previous membership-gated content on YouTube, it points to the value that this platform brings, both for exposure, and monetization. HBO knows that it will likely make more money on monetized clips and episodes on YouTube, rather than just keeping this show on their platform.

  • Accessibility: In past years, YouTube was only a place for homegrown/backyard content. With the recent shift over the past few years leaning more toward high-level production, HBO now has a place on the platform. Not only do they now fit in better than in years past, but being on YouTube also allows for both new and existing dedicated audiences to be formed and nurtured.

  • Power Shift: It’s no secret that media companies used to hold most of the power in media distribution. Even if you posted on YouTube in years past, at that time you still weren’t reaping the benefits like you would if you were featured on a network television show. Now, platforms like YouTube have created more opportunities for exposure, leaving companies like HBO hopping on the YouTube bandwagon.

  • Revenue Streams: It’s no secret that YouTube pays (if you bring in the viewers). John Oliver’s show has a dedicated fanbase that will likely watch and share these clips and episodes that are on YouTube, leading to more exposure, and more importantly for HBO, more monetization opportunities.

HBO jumping over to the YouTube ship should be a call to the future of the platform. They’ve already elbowed their way into almost every form of content, and now that big brands in distribution are jumping on board, I believe that YouTube will continue to be the powerhouse of the cell come out on top and win over even more creators, distributors, and viewers alike.

Is an EU TikTok Ban Next? 📵 

Source: Inclusion Times

Europe as a whole is NOT vibing with TikTok. This is to the point that TikTok literally wants to pay people to watch content. Well, things are getting worse for weary old TikTok with the EU launching yet another investigation, but this time on TikTok Lite. Something tells me that the EU is on a similar path as the US with its recent ban, but I’ll let you be the judge of that.

  • Let’s start by figuring out what the hell TikTok Lite is. TikTok Lite is pretty much just like TikTok, but essentially only for viewers. There are no editing tools like regular TT, but users can watch videos while “carrying out tasks” to get paid. These “tasks” include things like inviting friends to the app or just simply watching, liking, and engaging with videos. And that money goes right back to TikTok as you use what you earn to buy creators gifts on the main app. My head is spinning, anyone else?

  • So now that we know what this new app is, we have to dive into the investigation that has been launched by the EU. The investigation stems from suspected violations of the Digital Services Act (DSA), which are in place to prevent illegal content, ensure transparent advertising, and thwart disinformation.

  • This move signals the EU's crackdown on risky product launches and non-compliance, especially from top social platforms.

  • With TikTok already under scrutiny for multiple DSA compliance concerns, if found violating the DSA, TikTok could see hefty fines and even a potential ban.

  • To provide even more context as to what the EU is looking for, this investigation specifically targets the "task and reward" feature that I mentioned above.

  • The EU is concerned with this app’s addictive qualities and their impact on mental health. With that said, the EU is now demanding a risk assessment report from TikTok, with more details to come later.

With so many nations banning the platform, do you believe that TikTok will last the test of time? If you’re an avid reader of this newsletter, you already know that I’m a YouTube Stan, but I’m curious to hear what you readers think!

Casey Neistat of Chicago

Source: Shua Films

Meet Shua!

Shua is a Chicago-based creative who is covering the city, its creatives, and more recently, he’s been providing mindful commentary for us creators to push us to continue our creative endeavors.

Whenever I discover creatives like Shua, I always find myself longing to pick up that camera and just start creating. As a writing creator, video is so daunting to me, but having someone such as Shua sharing his passions, pitfalls, and beyond gives me a glimpse of the possibilities that lie in sharing your creativity.

Shua is not only an insanely talented videographer and editor, but he is also super motivating and his intrinsic thoughts get me fired up to create no matter where that creativity may lie.

Diving into Shua’s YouTube channel shows an insanely cool progression of both his mindset and evolution as a creator. From moving to new cities and finding his place to coming to terms with his ideas of what it means to be a content creator; watching this evolution feels cathartic in a way.

The inspiration drawn from Shua and his content will absolutely make you want to get your gear and start creating. Whether it be photography, cinematography, or beyond, Shua reminds us that our creativity is providing something to the world, and our audience will find us given we’re willing to share our creativity with the world.

In one of his recent videos, Shua gives sound advice to creators to “create things that keep you true to yourself, the audience that you’re looking for will find you.” In finding Shua’s channel myself and diving into his catalog of content, I deeply resonated with this sentiment and I appreciate the push to create, no matter who the audience is.

I’m super excited to follow Shua’s journey closely and watch him continue to make waves in the creator space and inspire other creators to follow their passions and strive to scratch that creative itch.

If you’re feeling a bit burnt out or your creative tank is running on E, definitely go check out Shua’s channel to feel the fire start back up.

🗞️ In Other News

  • Instagram keeps teasing AI features that will allow you to create your own AI, but in reality, it just looks like another chatbot with the addition of specified parameters.

  • Creators Chad Wild Clay and Vy Qwaint open a theme park based directly on their YouTube IP. I’m all for these creator theme parks to be honest. And one day I’ll get a behind-the-scenes tour of the Dude Perfect park (if you have an in give me a shout 👀)!

🤔 What Are Your Thoughts?

Does anyone make it this far? Reply with literally anything at all if you’re reading this 🙃 

🚀 Up Your Career as a Creator

If you’d like to keep learning about topics like the ones above, follow me on LinkedIn! I’m always excited to connect with new creators!

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Hope you enjoyed this week’s post. See you next week ✌️

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